Hardware Index > Sanyo DM 2112 Monitor.
Sanyo DM 2112 Monitor
The Sanyo DM 2112 monitor was sold by Boldfield Computing for use with the Ace. The monitor has a 12 inch green (p31 phosphor) display, composite video, V hold, H hold level to ensure picture stability. A bandwidth of 15Mhz suitable for 80 column text. To use the monitor with the Ace a video monitor connector was needed (see EB Video Board).
The monitor on its own, stock item AC7, was sold for £74.00+VAT. If you had the funds you could go for "The Jupiter Ace Expert System" which included, the Ace, a 16K RAM pack, video monitor connector and the DM 2112 monitor for £120.00+VAT.

V Hold, H Hold controls.

Composite video input.